Tablet Hotels
Boutique hotels discovery and booking app. Part of a 2-person iOS team that took the app from scratch to its App Store launch. Led efforts in adopting agile and test-driven methodologies. Handled development of all aspects of the app from models and networking layers, creating custom views and animations, to deeplinking and analytics. Daily maintenance and bug fixes. Project management.
Cutting-edge multi-media sharing and social networking app. Part of a 4-person iOS team that took the app from scratch to its App Store launch. In addition to custom user interfaces that include a media picker and camera controller, the app also uses the MKNetworkKit library to connect to a REST API built on Node.js. Led efforts in adopting agile methodologies. Handled development of the core data and networking layers of the Brabble iPhone app. Developed and implemented custom views. Daily maintenance and bug fixes.
Kate Spade Saturday
Enterprise iPad kiosk app for Kate Spade currently deployed at their flagship store in Tokyo, Japan. The app connects to a REST base API to download data customized for a specific device. When connected to the network, the app automatically refreshes its contents when updates are detected. The contents are also cached locally so that the app can work in offline mode.
OTG Concierge at LGA
Enterprise iPad app made for OTG Management, currently deployed at the Delta terminal at LaGuardia Airport. The app is developed as part of a larger infrastructure project involving IT, hardware and software development. The app connects to various REST based end points to provide flight information, restaurant menus, web browsing and facilitating restaurant orders. Credit card processing is achieved through a socket connection to a Node.js server.
Photo sharing and social networking app for a NYC startup. The app takes advantage of the GPS and camera features of the iPhone, and leverages the CoreLocation and MapKit libraries to create a fun and exciting new way for the user to share photos with her friends. The app also connects to remote services via a RESTful API using the RestKit library.
Classroom Ideas to Go!
iPhone app for Scholastic. A handy tool to provide quick inspirations for teachers in a classroom. The app randomly picks a new idea based on criteria selected using a PickerView control. An alternative search is also provided using the SearchDisplayController. The user can save her favorite ideas with data persistence using CoreData.
Instructions for Peace Booklet: An A to Z Guide
iPad app for Compustition. This educational iPad app is a lighthearted attempt at vernacular peace practices. The application reads like an ebook with the swipe gesture. It also includes a DIY Peace Collage feature that enables the user to create her own collage by entering a word and rearranging the illustrations.